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- Short: Quick and Easy Screen Switching. V1.32
- Author: Kristian Hesketh (kristiangk@aol.com)
- Uploader: Angus Manwaring (angus@angusm.demon.co.uk)
- Type: util/wb
- Version: 1.32
- ScreenSwitch v1.32
- · Much faster than any other switching program!
- · Simple and instinctive switching routines.
- · Fixed Gfx Card Support.
- · Mouse Centering.
- · Mouse Button Lock.
- · Variable Switching Area.
- · Commodity Support.
- · Small 16k program.
- · Lower CPU usage.
- Function
- 1. Double-Click the ScreenSwitch program icon.
- 2. Open up more than one screen.
- 3. Now simply shove the mouse into the top right hand corner of the screen
- to switch to the next. Easy and simple.
- Just run it and try it. It's far quicker than all the other ways of
- switching I have seen and it should work with all the resolutions that you
- throw at it.
- · Mouse Centering - The program will now automatically centre your
- mouse pointer when the program starts.
- · Variable Area - You can decide the size of the screen switching
- area.
- · Commodity Support - ScreenSwitch is now a commodity.
- · Mouse Button Lock - No switching when a mousebutton is held down,
- as you can sometimes follow through from a scroll
- bar into the switching area.
- I recommend installing MCP and enabling the ScreenActivation patch. It
- makes usage of this program nicer by activating the next screen instantly.
- Tooltypes
- The ScreenSwitch icon has six tooltypes so you can configure the program.
- The are all turned off with the DEFAULT VALUES shown.
- If you attempt to give 0 as a value for the tooltypes the program will use
- the default values.
- CENTRE=OFF - Disables Mouse Centering.
- SCREENX=?? - Width in pixels (from right) of area used for switching.
- SCREENY=?? - Height in pixels (from top) of area used for switching.
- SWITCHDELAY=?? - Changes the reaction speed of the program.
- The switch delay is measured in 50th's of a second and higher values slow
- the reaction speed of the program.
- This feature is useful to those who use a screen size larger than their
- display size. A higher value will give them enough time to scroll around
- their screen without switching.
- This will give a delay of around a second between the mouse entering the
- switching area and the switch being made. This means you can quickly pull
- the mouse out if you did not mean to switch screens.
- QUITDELAY=?? - Changes the time before the quit requestor appears.
- The standard setting of 3 means that after 3 seconds of the mouse being
- in the top left hand corner the quit requestor pops up.
- PROPORTION=ON - Modifies the effect SCREENX and SCREENY have.
- If you chose a switching area of 10x10 pixels on a PAL HiresLaced screen
- and switched to a PAL Lores Screen the switching area would automatically
- reduced to 5x5 as the screen is twice as small.
- The switching area would take up exactly the same physical area on your
- monitor with PROPORTION=ON. If you switched from Hires to Lores without
- PROPORTION=ON the swicthing area would be twice as large on the lores
- screen.
- Although the number of pixels is now lower the physical switching area
- is exactly the same as the screen is smaller. It is much easier than
- it sounds :)
- Proportion is very useful if you use a larger switching area. If you use
- a small swicthing area it is better without.
- Try them both.
- Installation
- For a more permanent installation, simply copy the program to your
- WBStartup drawer.
- Exiting
- There are two ways of exiting ScreenSwitch:
- · As ScreenSwitch is now a commodity, you can load up Exchange or a
- similar program to shut it down or just disable it temporarily.
- · Holding the mouse in the top left hand corner for a specified
- number of seconds (QUITDELAY) brings up a requester, which you
- can quit from.
- Background
- Switching between screens on the Amiga usually requires a nasty hotkey
- combination of LAmiga and M or physically clicking the icon in the top
- righthand corner of the screen. Some screens do not even have the icon,
- so it can be hard work.
- It is nicer on the PC with ALT and TAB and there are many patches for the
- Amiga to make it "easier" to do it.
- I had a browse through and most of them just opened an ugly window under the
- mouse pointer which you then had to click on. This takes longer than
- stretching for the key combination. :(
- All I wanted was a program that would make it easier and quicker to switch
- screens.
- ScreenSwitch was born.
- Having been messing around with Blitz2 for ages and ages without having
- come out with one useful program, it was quite a surprise. Originally it was
- a nasty little program that had to been run every time you needed to switch
- screens, but by v1.2 it had become a fully-fledged useful program.
- I use it all the time.
- Problems
- ScreenSwitch should work with all resolutions now.
- If you use a screen size larger than your display area increase the
- SWITCHDELAY value to give you enough time to scroll the screen.
- If you use a screen resolution of 640x256 then the mouse centering is not
- perfect. I have no idea why and I can't fix it. It almost centres though...
- If you use Executive and the program it a bit sluggish sometimes, just don't
- schedule it. It hardly uses CPU time anyway. Executive is a great program!!
- There really shouldn't be any problems :)
- Have you found new bugs?
- Have you thought of a nice new feature?
- Please mail me about the program.
- History
- v1.0 ScreenSwitch is a small tool which switches the screens when called.
- It grinds the HD every single time you wish to switch. Grrr....
- WBFind is also included which works in the same way, but just brings
- the workbench screen to the front.
- v1.1 ScreenSwitch and WBFind are brought toghether into one program.
- CLI parameters inform the program which one is launched.
- v1.2 Program redesigned.
- Now stays in memory and waits for the mouse to move into the corner.
- Quit feature included.
- WBFind removed from package.
- v1.21 CPU usage reduced from 100% to around 0.3%.
- v1.22 Improvements to screen switching routines. Small bugfixes.
- Gfx Card Support added.
- v1.23 Gfx Card Support optimized.
- Should work automatically with all resolutions.
- Executable size reduced.
- v1.24 The size of the switching area reduced.
- Less chance of accidental switching.
- Executable size reduced by 4 whole bytes.
- v1.3 Rewritten from scratch.
- Gfx Card Support !FIXED!
- Workbench start code and icon added.
- Will now run from WBStartup.
- Increased quit delay.
- Mouse Centering.
- Variable and Proportional Switching Area.
- Tooltype Support.
- Variable quit delay.
- Variable program reaction speed.
- Bugfixes.
- v1.31 Now a commodity.
- Prevents program running twice.
- Added a continue option to quit requester.
- v1.32 Mouse Button Lock added.
- Horrid Evil Nasty Bug fixed.
- Reduced CPU usage.
- Reduced exe size.
- Now uses frontmost instead of active screen.
- Distribution
- This program is butterware - Please spread it everywhere.
- Thanks
- · Angus Manwering for uploading and for the Amiga Games Database.
- · Gareth Griffiths for example commodity code.
- · James L Boyd and David McMinn for example code.
- · Ignaz Kellerer for super detailed bug testing and ideas.
- · Salvador Gomez for bug reports.
- · Wolfgang Krause for big bug reports.
- · Michal Skotniczny for comments.
- · Ken Gregory for comments and for loving the program :)
- · Jean-Francois Fabre for JST and HDInstallers galore.
- · Petri Nordlund for Executive.
- · AlienDesign for MCP.
- · Jonathan Potter and GPSoft for DOpus 5.82.
- · All the great Amiga magazines for keeping the faith.
- · Bill and Fleecy for the AmigaNG (Please).
- · Inspiration for the idea behind this program.
- · The Amiga and the Aminet for letting it happen :)
- Dedication
- This program is dedicated to my cousin, Håvard Søndrol (The Craphead!)
- who died on 17/03/2000, aged 22, after a fire in his apartment.
- Development
- All work done by [G]NiOB.
- Coding - Blitz Basic 2.
- Crunching - StoneCracker v4.
- If you think that 16k is not a small executable, it IS when you code in
- Blitz. The executable has been crunched with StoneCracker v4 too ;)
- A1200T
- 68060@75Mhz
- 16Mb RAM
- 8x CDROM
- EZ-VGA Mk2 Plus
- SVGA Monitor
- [G]NiOB 2000
- N.B. It is pronouced Gee-Nee-Ob. You know Genies --> Magic, all that.....
- And it is Boing backwards. Where do I come up with these things???
- Now that you know, I won't bother writing this again. Ever. So there.
- Okay, this is absolutely the last time........